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The Power of Worship

Many think that worship happens when we sing a list of songs or hymns, but worship is so much more than that. I believe that worship is when we offer our resources, body, mind, spirit, and all we are toGod for His use and purposes to extend His Kingdom here on earth. This is when the Power of Worship flows through us and accomplishes what He wants. This can in our time, our giving, our

living of our lives for Him, our thoughts, our voices, our study of the Bible, our meetings

together and our caring for others and their needs. When we worship together in our

celebrations like in Psalm 100, we enter His Gates with Thanksgiving, cross His Courts with

Praise but when we come before GOD’S THRONE in Worship bowing in our spirit or physically on

our knees our language changes from He or His to YOU and YOUR. Our focus goes from thanking

Him and praising Him for what He has done. We take the next step right at God’s throne to

worship and sing to YOU for who YOU ARE leaving ourselves behind and focusing only on YOU,

quieting our hearts and minds in Your Presence to listen to YOUR still quiet voice of Love, new

thoughts, understanding and direction. The real power of worship is to take us out of our

problems, worries and fears and places us into all that Your Presence is.

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